From the 2007/2008 Season: This original musical juxtaposes the life story of Father Nelson Baker against the current effort to secure his canonization as an official saint of the Catholic Church.
Key scenes from Father Baker's life unfold as three modern-day people-a Nun, a Priest, and a Scientist-debate the nature of his life and work.
"What makes a saint?," "How do you measure the worth of one man?" "Can one person change the world?,"- these and other questions are examined while the Nun, Priest and Scientist tour Our Lady of Victory Basilica and survey the changes that have occurred in the larger community beyond. Will sainthood bring salvation, or will things just remain the same?
Meanwhile, the audience gains new insight Father Baker's own life story. Through flashbacks, we learn about Father Baker's Lutheran upbringing, his Catholic baptism at age 10, the religious conflict within his own family, his success as a businessman before entering the seminary at the then late age of 27, his doubts, and ultimately, his faith. We witness important moments such as his pilgrimage to France, his efforts to establish a gas well to provide fuel for his parish, his inspiration for building the Basilica, and his unwavering efforts to make life better for orphan children.
Through dialogue and original songs, we glimpse into the truth behind the legendary life of a Western New York icon.
Louis Colaiacovo as Father Nelson B
Norman Sham as the Scientist, Marc Sacco as the Priest and Ellen
The Priest, the Scientist and the Sister
The cast performs "Give It to the Boys"
Marc Sacco as the Priest
The Baker Family
Ellen Horst as the Sister
An older Father Baker
The Cast of VICTORY