From the 2005/2006 Season: A fresh, funny and entertaining look at the Holiday season. Complete with a five piece onstage band A CHRISTMAS SURVIVAL GUIDE will keep its audience boppin’ and rockin’ with laughter. “Ho-Ho Hilarious! A clever and irresistible bon-bon that serves up the holiday with a mischievous wink! …The perfect antidote to combat seasonal stress!” New York Press.
Norman Sham & Louis Colaiacovo as "Little Boy" & "Santa"
Michele Marie Roberts sings "The 12 Steps of Christmas"
Elizabeth Urbanczyk sings "Surabaya Santa"
Bethany Moore, Michele Marie Roberts and Norman Sham sing "Sleig
Norman Sham decorates with the help of Yoda
Our talented pianist and performer, Phil Farugia
Bethany Moore vamps her way through "Hitch A Ride With Santa Cla
Nothing says "Christmas" like Louis Colaiacovo leading
Norman Sham as Elvis
Elizabeth Urbanczyk, Phil Farugia & Michele Marie Roberts in
Michele Marie Roberts sings "Christmas Eve"