Jake is thrilled to be working with MusicalFare again! It's an honor to tell this story. Favorite credits include; Ujima: TONI STONE; MusicalFare: RAGTIME; Curtain Up Productions: BEAUTY & THE BEAST (Beast); RLTP: LITTLE WOMEN…NOW (Laurie), SUPERIOR DONUTS (Franco); ICTC: HAMLET (Guildenstern); O'Connell & Company: LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS (Audrey II, Artie Nominated); Artpark: THE ODYSSEY (Telemachus); Buffalo Boys Productions: ONCE IN MY LIFETIME (Ty); Raices Theatre Company: BARCELO ON THE ROCKS (Jaston); SIDP: AS YOU LIKE IT (Oliver). Jake wants to thank his Rose and his family and friends for their support. Love you Gm.